
Friday, December 31, 2021

Brooks Park, Overland

Location: 9625 Cote Brilliante Ave., Overland, MO 63114

Amenities: picnic tables, playground, baseball field, restrooms


Playground ground cover: wood chips

Robert Brooks park is a small neighborhood park. The playground equipment has several slides of various heights, and lots of different apparatuses to balance and hang on. There are 2 sling swings on the swing set. The equipment is really too big for toddlers but perfect for preschool and school-aged kids. The baseball field gives kids a large area to run around in. Running between the playground and the field is a creek, and there's a wooden bridge that connects the two areas. The creek looks inviting to kids, but there is a sign at the front of the park stating "Warning, do not play, swim or fish. Possible sewage overflow. Exposure to water may cause illness." 

Restroom building next to the parking lot

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