
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Stacy Park, Olivette

Location:  9750 Old Bonhomme, Olivette, MO 63132

Amenities: Playground, picnic shelter, fitness trail, ballfields


Playground ground cover: Poured rubber and wood chips

This is a fun and busy park. There are a lot of picnic tables here and I frequently see them filled during lunchtime by people who work nearby (they're usually dressed in business attire). The playground is amazing! There are actually 2 separate playgrounds and the one for toddlers is enclosed by a fence which I love. There is a wide variety of equipment, including swings, teeter-totters, tic tac toe boards, spring ride-on toys, rock walls, tunnels, etc. We keep returning because the playground is so big and fun.

Nice bonus, the restrooms in the pavilion are open year-round!

There are 2 baby swings and 4 sling swings.

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