
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Bella Fontaine West Park, Moline Acres

Location: 9601 Duke Dr., Moline Acres, MO 63136


This playground is west of the Bella Fontaine Park, and was acquired in 1975 with funds from the 1969 Bond Issue and the federal Land & Water Conservation Fund. It was partially developed in 1979. The final development was completed in 1981 with the addition of 4 softball fields and parking for 50 cars. It is connected to the main area by Maple Tree Trail that crosses Maline Creek by bridge and Highway 367 at an unguarded crossing.

There is just one play structure, and it has several slides, a rock wall, a pretend window, stepping stones, and lots of bars and poles.  There is a large pavilion nearby and lots of parking.

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