
Monday, May 20, 2019

Cahokia Mounds, Collinsville IL

Location: 30 Ramey St., Collinsville, IL 62234


Cahokia Mounds is a state historic site where pre-Columbian Native Americans once lived. Your first stop should probably be the interpretive center. It's a fabulous free museum that explains all about what the mounds are and who the people are who lived here so long ago. Inside you'll find the museum exhibit galleries, a theater, a public programming auditorium, museum shop, a snack-food service, public restrooms, staff offices, and a courtyard for educational programs. Outdoors you’ll find self-guided tours, guided tours, trails and the 100 ft high Monks Mound, the largest earthwork in North America. Comfortable clothing and shoes are recommended as well as hats, sunscreen, bottled water and insect repellent if you want to explore the mounds.


The museum does a fantastic job explaining what life was like here. The exhibits are so lifelike. My kids are 7 and 9 and really enjoyed exploring in here.

Every year Cahokia Mounds hosts Kids' Day which is so much fun for families. We went this year and my kids got to make pots out of clay, they got to throw spears and learn how to hunt, and they practiced flint napping which is the art of creating spearheads with rocks and stones. There was also a room full of crafts, exhibits, and face painters. They had special storytellers, demonstrations, and games. It was a great experience learning about the Native American culture!

After you've explored the museum you can head outside and explore the mounds if you are so inclined. Cahokia is the largest pre-Columbian settlement north of Mexico. It was occupied primarily during the Mississippian period (800–1400), when it covered nearly 2,200 acres and included some 120 mounds.

View from the top of Monks Mound. It's about 100 feet tall and 154 steps to the top. There's nothing up there but the views are great! 

This old wooden playground is one stop before the actual entrance for Cahokia Mounds. It's really not worth visiting, it has no flooring, just grass and mud. It looks like it was built in the 1980's and it's not in great condition. There is a pavilion here and restrooms as well.

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