Showing posts with label Webster Groves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Webster Groves. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023

Lockwood Park, Webster Groves

Location:  912 Newport Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119


Playground Ground Cover: Wood chips

This park is unique in that the equipment is spread out along a beautiful path. It's also known as Explorers Park, features a 1.5-acre prairie, shortleaf pine forest, cypress grove, playground, with climbers, spinners, a musical play node, and fire pit along a ¼ mile walking trail. This is a perfect park for a toddler! There is plenty of parking in the lot, it's nowhere near a road, and the equipment is great for little guys. Just wish they had a restroom. 

Musical Instrument area

Netted climber

Netted spinner

The play structure has several slides, a small tunnel, and a maze board. There are also 2 baby swings a table and chairs, and a spinning seat.  

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Margaret Park, Webster Groves

Location:  Corner of Margaret and Atalanta Avenues, Webster Groves, MO 63119

Amenities: playground, picnic shelter


Playground ground cover: Wood chips

The internet always calls this park Margaret Atalanta Park, but the park sign just says Margaret Park, so that's a little confusing. This is a newer playground and it is very nice! It's enclosed by a fence which I love, and the landscaping is lovely. It's fairly small so you can see your kids at all times and there are plenty of places to sit. It's one of the few parks that still has a merry go round, and it has 2 baby swings and 2 sling swings. It has one of those slides that has no sides? They kind of freak me out cause you can fall off of it but the kids seem to love it. There is also an interesting thing that is like 3 triangles stacked on top of each other with holes in the middle that the kids can climb through. I've never seen that before. There is no bathroom which is a bummer, but it's a beautiful little park with great equipment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Glen Park, Webster Groves

Location:  119 Newport Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119


Playground ground cover: Wood Chips

This playground is brand new as of September 2017. There used to be nothing here except 2 swings and a ball field.  The playground was completely funded by a very generous donation from Mike and Kathy Silverman.

It's very cool equipment like nothing else I've seen around town.

I will say that I don't think this playground is good for toddlers. There is one play structure and it's def for older kids with rope ladders that my 5 year old had difficulty maneuvering in places. There's also a saucer swing and a tall spinning webbed pyramid. If you have older kids that like to climb this is the place for you. 

I thought the metal slide was hot to the touch but my daughter said when she went down in a skirt it wasn't bad.

There is just street parking here and no bathrooms, which is a huge bummer. But what a great addition to Webster Groves! We are very grateful to the donors for this wonderful gift for kids in this city to enjoy!