Location: 259 Bellemeade Dr, St. Peters, MO 63376
Website: http://www.stpetersmo.net/st-peters-parks.aspx#totlot
Playground Ground Cover: Rubber mats
Yay for enclosed playgrounds! This one is great and was renovated in 2009. There are 2 baby swings, 1 adaptive swing, and 1 sling swing. The bathrooms are close by and so is the parking lot. It's geared more toward kids under 5 but I am sure some grade-schoolers would also enjoy it. They have a modified see-saw, stepping stones, balance beams, steering wheels, rock walls, musical instruments, activity boards, and more!
Basketball courts adjacent to the playground
Pavilion next to the playground
One of our favorite parks. My wife can sit in the shade with our 4 month old daughter while my 2.5 year old son plays without worry because it is mostly younger kids and it's enclosed.